Hip Hop Encounter.com was created to be a medium for artist to their audience. Yes there are other social networking sites that supply the same content and there are some that come from left field with other content that has nothing to do with music or Hip Hop but this site will be different.
They will have multiple subjects on the topic of Hip Hop but They will have other topics too. The difference in HHE and the competition is, They will tell you that it is something different from the very beginning. They will have alternative topics like Guilty Pleasures, Dumb Stuff, and Ghetto Fabulous. Now check out Hit City Records Artists Lu Hefner, Lil Young, Fwz, & Big-D featured on this upcoming site as not only the featured cd, featured video but also the background of there whole site!!! HHE is a site known for showcasing tons of great talent and has a great following on twitter with over 191,000 followers! This mixtape has definitely opened alot of ears especially in the industry. Thanks For The Help Holds over 734 views, 175 downloads, 67 google +1's and 377 facebook likes in just 3 days of its release on major music site HOTNEWHIPHOP. The love and support is growing rapidly for this upcoming label as now we come to find this site featuring the whole team in every aspect possible so #ThanksForTheHelp it was well appreciated.http://hiphopencounter.com/?p=17228
Check out Hit City Records on HHE on the link above and stay tuned for more and again download the mixtape everyone is talking about!!!